How To Order
In order to commission me to produce custom decals, components or drawings for you, or undertake a research project, you first need to request a quotation from me. You can do this using the quotation request form on this site, or by suppling equivalent information to me by e-mail (optionally with attachments) or post.
When making your request, you should supply me with as much information as possible, so that I can produce an accurate quotation. If I am in any doubt about your requirements, I will contact you for clarification.
I will then produce a quotation for producing your decals, copmonents or drawings, or undertaking the research. My quotation will be fixed subject to you not changing your requirements; that is, the price you pay will not change, no matter how long it takes me to produce what you require, provided that you do not request any changes that affect the amount of work I need to do.
I will include in my quotation a detailed description of what I believe to be your requirements. You should therefore examine my quotation carefully, to make sure that I have understood what you want. If you want me to change anything, let me know and I will update the quotation. This may well take several iterations, but it is important to get things clear at this stage - the finalised quotation will effectively form the contractual specification for what is to be produced by me.
Place Order
Once you are satisfied with the quotation and that what I am offering satisfies your requirements, you should place a firm order and pay a deposit of typically 25% of my fees. For research projects that include travelling costs, these will also have to be paid in advance. You should also supply me with any other information you have not already sent to me.
If you wish to pay your deposit, etc., by credit or debit card, or by using your Paypal account if you have one, then you will have to use the payment form on this site; I am unable to accept such payments by telephone or post. Alternatively, you can send a cheque to me by post, or I can, on request, supply you with account details for a direct bank transfer.
Once I have in my possession all of the information your are to supply, I will make a final assessment of the feasibility of meeting your requirements for my quoted fee. If necessary, I will update my quotation and again wait for your approval before proceeding. After this point, I will not make any further changes to my fees; if the project takes more or less time to complete than I expect, the price you pay will not change. Unless, that is, you subsequently make significant changes to your requirements.
If, as a result of any changes I may make to my quotation, or for any other reason, you decide that you do not wish to continue with your order, then I will refund your deposit in full.
Once I have received all necessary information from you, your deposit, and your approval for any last-minute adjustments to my fees, I will proceed with the production of the required decals, components, or drawings, or commence the research. If you should wish to make any changes to your requirements during production, you are welcome to do so, but if your requested changes result in an adjustment to my fees, then I will halt, adjust my quotation, and wait for your approval of the new fees before proceeeding.
Delivery and Acceptance
Once your project is complete, I will normally take detailed photographs of any physical products and supply you with copies, either directly by e-mail or by reference to a temporary page within this site. I will also at this point issue my invoice to you for the remaining fees. You will then have the opportunity to make an initial (albeit remote) inspection of my work, and if necessary request changes or corrections to it. If these are due to errors or omissions on my part, in implementing your requirements, these changes will be carried out free of charge. Otherwise I will quote you for the work involved, and wait for your approval before proceeding.
Once you are satisfied with my work on your project, you should pay the remaining fees due. Again, you can pay online using your credit or debit card or Paypal account, by cheque through the post, or by bank transfer. Once I have received your payment, I will then deliver the full results of your project to you.