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Delivery Details

Please now enter your delivery details before proceeding to make your payment.

If you wish to visit other pages of this site once you have started to fill in this form, you will need to use the "Update" button below to temporarily store the information you have entered so far. This information will be subjected to the usual checks as if you had completed the form, and so may generate error messages. Errors about missing entries can be safely ingnored, but entries deemed invalid will not be stored. The saved information should be retained for the duration of your browser session; if you close your browser any information you have entered may still be lost. You may need to enable cookies in your browser to allow this feature to work.

Please use this message box to let know of any special instructions regarding your order (e.g. how individual components are to be combined into a larger component) and/or let me know how you intend to pay if you don't do so immediately through Paypal.

Click on "Update Delivery" to update the delivery details with any changes you have made. This will also allow you to visit other pages without losing the changes.

Clicking on "Confirm Your Order" will have a similar effect, but will also (provided your details do not contain errors) send copies of your order by e-mail to both me and to yourself (using the address your entered above). A further button will then appear that will take you to the Paypal site to make your payment. You do not need a Paypal account yourself to use this facility; you can pay by credit or debit card instead. All of your card and billing details will be handled by Paypal, I will not receive them.

You may also pay for your order by bank transfer, or by cheque through the post. The copy of your order sent to your e-mail address will contain details of how to pay by these methods.