Decals and Transfers
I can produce a set of decals or transfers for you to use in the construction of your own models. See below for further details of the types of decals I can produce, and associated prices. As well as a range of standard and semi-custom decal sets for you to use on your own models, I also offer a service for producing fully custom decals to your precise requirements.
Standard Products
I am currently preparing a range of standard decal sets, each available in a selection of scales, from 2mm:1ft (N gauge) to 16mm:1ft, depending on the size of decals included in each set. The sets currently available or in preparation include:
- Signal arms. Designed to fit the Ratio kits in 2mm and 4mm (GWR LMS LNER Ground/Disc) scales.
- British Railways steam era loco crests.
- Diesel multiple unit headcodes.
- Diesel and electric loco headcodes.
- Diesel and electric loco and multiple unit markings, such as overhead electrification warnings and multiple working shapes.
- Railway carriage interior detailing, such as window stickers, curtains, blinds, pictures/maps, and woodgrain panelling.
- Station signs (other than nameboards) and notices.
- Enamel advertisements.
- Railway company and advertising posters.
- Road signs.
In the list above, those items with active links are currently available (the link will take you to the relevant details and ordering page), the others are in various stages of preparation. If you are particularly interested in any of the latter, please contact me to encourage me to produce them, or even commission them as a (reduced-price) custom order.
Semi-custom Decals
I am also preparing a range of semi-custom decal sets, each available in a selection of scales, from 2mm:1ft (N gauge) to 16mm:1ft, depending on the size of decals included in each set. These differ from my standard decals in that a limited amount of customisation is needed to produce a set of decals to your requirements. The sets currently available or in preparation include:
- Loco markings, such as numbers, crests, company identification, etc. Customisable for such features as loco number, power classification, shed allocation and lettering/crest sizes. Can optionally also include decals to simulate cast plates such as loco name, number (cabside and/or smokebox door) and shed allocation, or headcodes and destination blinds.
- BR Steam Locos
- BR Diesel and Electric Locos
- BR Diesel and Electric Multiple Units
- GWR Steam Locos
- LMS Steam Locos
- SR Steam Locos
- LNER Steam Locos
- Passenger coach markings, such as numbers, special function lettering, crests, door labels etc. Customisable for number, coach type and end/solebar markings, etc.
- BR Steam Era Coaches
- BR Blue Era Coaches
- BR Sectorisation Era Coaches
- GWR Coaches
- LMS Coaches
- SR Coaches
- SDJR Coaches
- Railway carriage seat covers. In a variety of patterns, optionally with anti-macassars and/or seat division markings, to match my seat components or customisable for seat size and profile.
- Freight wagon lettering. Available in two versions: conventional small decals for individual groups of markings suchs as letters/numbers etc., or as complete wagon sides for a range of wagon types. Typically customisable for number, wagon type, load and tare weight, special instructions, etc. The full side versions are also configurable for modernisation (to a later period than original), weathering and dilapidation.
- British Railways Steam Era Wagons: early period small decals, later period small decals, wagon sides
- WW 2 Minstry of Transport Wagons: small decals, wagon sides
- GWR Wagons: small decals, wagon sides
- LMS Wagons: small decals, wagon sides
- SR Wagons: small decals, wagon sides
- LNER Wagons: small decals, wagon sides
- Private Owner Wagons: wagon sides only
- Diesel and electric multiple unit headcodes and destination blinds. Similar to my standard headcodes product, but also including destination blinds. Customisable for destination text, and size of blind and headcode panel. Also available as part of the full multiple unit decal sets above.
- Station and signal box nameboards and station signs and notices. Customisable for station/signal box name and size of nameboards.
- Bus/coach destination and route number blinds. Customisable for destination, route number and size of blinds.
- Road vehicle number plates. Available in a variety of plate shapes and lettering styles (according to era), and customisable for registration number.
In the list above, those items with active links are currently available (the link will take you to the relevant details and ordering page), the others are in various stages of preparation. If you are particularly interested in any of the latter, please contact me to encourage me to produce them, or even commission them as a (reduced-price) custom order.
Custom Decals
If you have a specific requirement that is not currently covered by my range of standard or semi-custom decal sheets, I will be happy to produce a fully custom set for you; please contact me with full details of your requirements to request a quotation. I will need full details of each decal, including size and/or scale, colours, etc., together with an indication of what pictures or other information you can supply for me to work from. Although full, detailed information is not needed at the quotation stage, I will need enough to gain an appreciation of the complexity of each decal, and the number of them, together with an indication of the quantity and quality of the detailed information you will be able to supply. If you are not able to supply me with sufficient information and/or suitable pictures, you are welcome to commission a preliminary research project for me to find the necessary information for you.
My range of standard and semi-custom decals currently concentrates on the railway modelling field; this is because this is where my personal modelling interest and experience (and thus knowledge) lies. I will gladly, however, produce decals for you for any other modelling subject (or indeed non-model application), provided that you can supply me with the necessary information.
Decal Types
I will normally print your decals onto waterslide paper; that is, the decal paper has to be soaked in water for a few seconds (typically 10–20) to release the decal from its backing paper. The decal is then simply slid into place on your model and finally fixed by pressing with a paper towel or a cotton bud. Alternatively, for special applications or simply if you prefer, I can print your decals onto self-adhesive paper (i.e. commercial sticky labels), or even simply plain paper.
The waterslide paper is available with either a transparent or white carrier film. Like all desktop printers, my printer (a colour laser) does not use white ink, and only the black ink is really opaque. Therefore the transparent paper is only usuable where either the surface the decal is to be applied to is white or very light in colour, or the decal contains only black or very dark colours. Otherwise the white carrier film has to be used to achieve accurate colour reproduction.
This film (whether transparent or white) extends across the whole sheet of decals, and has to be cut around the individual decals during application. It is generally better to leave a small border of the film around the decal when cutting out. My decal sheets contain cutting guides (short lines around the edge of each decal) to assist with placing a ruler or other straight edge to guide your knife. Place your ruler on the decal side of the cut.
For simple, straight-edged decals on a white backing film, it is sometimes possible to cut accurately around the decal outline to completely remove the excess white carrier; for more complex shapes, such as lettering, this is impractical and so the decal has to include a coloured background that matches the surface it is to be applied to. My semi-custom and standard decals often offer choice of background colours, and include a specification of the paint colours the background has been matched to. For fully custom decals you will need to specify the paint colour that I am to match, and if I do not have the appropriate paint, supply me with a sample painted onto a scrap of material such as plastic sheet.
The white carrier film is sufficiently thin to be pretty much invisible around the edge of the decal once it is in place on the model, provided that it has been cut cleanly – use a very sharp knife. If the decal edge tears during cutting or application, so that some of the printed colour comes off and reveals the white film, it is straightforward to touch up the edges of the decal with the background paint colour. The white film can also be visible if the decal is viewed edge-on; again it is simple to apply paint around the edge of the decal once in place using a small brush. This is another reason to leave a border of background colour around the decal when cutting out. Use of thinned paint helps to blend the touching-up with the surrounding surface while tinting the edge of the film.
Full instructions for applying my decals will be provided with your first order, or can be viewed here.
The need for a coloured decal background can sometimes actually be an advantage, as it eliminates the possibility of the "silvered" effect that can occur with transparent waterslide decals when applied to a less than perfectly smooth surface (such as matt or even satin paint finishes), due to air becoming trapped under the decal. A slight mismatch between the decal background colour and the underlying surface can be less noticeable than a silvered transparent carrier.
Prices and Delivery
All of my decals are printed to order; I do not keep a stock of individual sheets. Standard and semi-custom decals will normally be dispatched within 10 working days of your order (and receipt of your cleared payment). If I am unable to do this (e.g. due to unexpectedly running out of blank decal paper or printer ink etc.) I will let you know within a few days of your order.
My standard decals cost £7.50 per set. Most semi-custom decals cost £9.50 per set, irrespective of the degree of customisation needed. For both standard and semi-custom decals, these prices apply to the first set in your order; additional sets (of either type) ordered at the same time will cost £5.00 or £7.00 per set. This discount is applied in your basket.
Certain decals (e.g. carriage seat covers) that require several sheets per set in the larger scales have a different price structure, but still qualify for the multi-buy discount of £2.50 per additional sets.
Samples sheets cost significantly less than the standard prices, and therefore do not qualify for (or contribute to) the multi-buy discount for additional sets.
Fully custom decals will cost £5.00 per sheet, plus a one-off design fee of at least £25.00 depending on the number and complexity of the decals required, and the quality of the information you provide. If a background colour matching exercise is required, this will add £10.00 per colour to your fee. Additional sheets ordered later will cost the same as my standard decals if identical to your original order, or the same as my semi-custom ones if minor modifications are required.
I normally supply decals printed onto paper up to A5 in size, for ease of posting. All decal sets in your order, whether standard, semi-custom or fully custom, will be organised for printing to use the minimum number of actual sheets; depending on the size and number of decals in a set, a single A5 sheet can typically contain several sets of decals.
Where the size of the decals requires it, I can also supply A4 sized sheets. The per sheet and postage costs will increase accordingly, and will be quoted on application.
To send the decals to you I offer several levels of service:
- Economy. £2.00 per order. The decals will be posted by normal First Class post, and loss or damage in transit is at your risk (i.e. if the decals arrive damaged or not at all, they will not be replaced or refunded).
- Standard. £3.75 per order. The decals will be posted by First Class recorded delivery, and will thus require a signature on arrival. Decals that arrive damaged, or not at all, will be replaced free of charge (or refunded), provided I can claim on the insurance included with this service.
- Express. £8.25 per order. The decals will be posted by Special Delivery, will require a signature on arrival, and are guaranteed to arrive the next (working) day after I dispatch them. I will also endeavour to dispatch them as quickly as possible after your order, usually within 5 working days. Decals that arrive damaged, or not at all, will be replaced free of charge (or refunded), provided I can claim on the insurance included with this service.
- Overseas. For delivery outside of the UK. No fee will initially be added to your order. Once I receive your order I will send you a quote for the cost of delivery, since this will depend on the destination country. Where possible the decals will be posted by an equivalent of First Class recorded delivery, and will thus require a signature on arrival. Whether such a service is available depends on the destination country. Decals that arrive damaged, or not at all, will be replaced free of charge (or refunded), provided I can claim on any insurance included with the postal service.
Electronic Files
As an alternative to supplying physical decals, I can also supply electronic files that you can use to print the decal sheets yourself, or get them printed by third party service. Since you will be able to print multiple copies of sheets supplied in this way, these files will cost £25 per sheet; please enquire for further details and how to place your order.
Note that my decal sheets are subject to copyright, and are licensed for your personal use only; you are not permitted to supply decals produced from them to anyone else, either as sheets of unused decals or applied to a model or other object (other than to dispose of your own collection of models on a second-hand basis). You are also not permitted to modify the files in any way, nor supply copies of them to anyone else, other than to get them printed by a third party.
If you wish to use a printing service that is capable of using opaque white or light-coloured inks, at extra cost I can supply versions of these files modified to accommodate the necessary carrier mask or colour separation layers; please enquire for further details.