Decals for Overhead Live Wire Warning Labels
These decals are for the labels used on locos, carriages and some other vehicles to warn staff of the risk of electrocution from overhead cables.They are usually found in the vicinity of steps of other areas where staff could climb up the vehicle and thus potentially be within reach of the overhead cables. There are three common types of label: two styles of red "flashes" on a white background, and the modern yellow panels on white background.
Decals for the two types of "flashes" are available now, and the modern type are in preparation. These decals can be supplied in a variety of scales, from 2mm to 16mm, and come on white-backed waterslide decal paper. The number of decals in each set depends on the scale:
16mm | 1:22.5 | 10mm | 1:32 | 7mm | 4mm | 3mm | 1:120 | 2mm |
72 | 78 | 85 | 85 | 114 | 192 | 192 | 192 | 192 |
Early Warning Flashes
Later Warning Flashes
Decal Illustrations
The following pictures show sample decals for early (top) and later (bottom) flashes at 16, 1:22.5, 10, 1:32, 7, 4, 3, and 2 mm scales (left to right), all printed on plain paper with an early warning yellow background: